
You know what they say: your home is your castle. So why allow bad energy to cluster and crowd in your sacred space? Chemicals can be found in air freshener, plastics, furniture and other foreign substances that pollute the air in our homes. Though air purifiers are an effective option, sometimes the best route is a holistic one. Here are some options to help naturally detoxify your home:


When bamboo is baked at very high temperatures, it transforms into a charcoal-like substance. Charcoal is excellent at absorbing not only odours, but also potentially hazardous chemicals like ammonia. These are called ‘bamboo briquettes’ and are an excellent environmentally friendly option that has been used throughout Asia for hundreds of years.


In addition to adding a lovely burst of green to your home, plants also help to clean the air in your house – sometimes in as little as a day! Houseplants are capable of removing tricky toxins such as cigarette smoke and even carbon monoxide. In fact, NASA scientists conducted a study to demonstrate the incredible power of plants in the detoxification of air. Wondering what the top three plants were? English ivy, golden pothos and boston fern!


100% real beeswax candles clean the air while they burn. As the candles burn, they create negative ions, which neutralize positive ions (allergens and airborne toxins) and produce a similar cleansing effect to houseplants. Remember, only 100% beeswax candles will work (most candles actually add to the toxicity of the air in your home).

Himalayan Salt Lamp

These lamps are exactly what they sound like – large chunks of Himalayan salt with a small light bulb placed inside. As the light bulb heats up the salt and gently releases salt particles, the salt particles neutralize toxins in the air and eliminate unpleasant odours. Additionally, many find the warm, glowing light of the salt lamp to be very therapeutic.

Preventative Measures

  • Remove shoes when entering the home
  • Use green/eco-friendly cleaners
  • Filter your water
  • Be conscious of purchasing synthetic materials throughout the home


Do you have helpful tips for detoxifying the home? Feel free to share them with us on our Facebook page!

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